Blog Posts

a collection of all sorts of writings

Featured image for Identifying the Right Element Location when Scraping with BeautifulSoup

Identifying the Right Element Location when Scraping with BeautifulSoup

02 Feb 2020

Scraping usually involves identifying the right location of the element, and then passing that information (e.g. CSS Selector or Xpath) to a scraping code to automate the process. However, there are occasions when you thought you have identified the right selector by using "Inspect" feature on the website, but the ...

Featured image for Ways to Generate Content and Keyword Ideas for Free

Ways to Generate Content and Keyword Ideas for Free

16 Jan 2020

The key to a great website is undoubtedly great content, and the key to getting to great content is to produce a lot of content. However, as with any creative jobs (e.g. writing), we eventually succumb to the writer's block. Our pipeline of content eventually dries up. How do we ...

Featured image for Finding SEO Backlink Opportunities with Python

Finding SEO Backlink Opportunities with Python

26 Feb 2019

Having a strong pool of good backlinks is key in building a good organic search ranking and is a general SEO practice. We will use some basic Python code to gather a list of potential backlinks from websites that have mentioned your brand but has not linked to your website. ...

Featured image for Identify Gaps in Public Discourse or Product Offering with Network Graphs

Identify Gaps in Public Discourse or Product Offering with Network Graphs

15 Feb 2019

Visualising a vast amount of text data in public discourse about your product offering is tough. Analysing the vast amount of text data is even harder. While word clouds and network graphs make it a tad easier, it can take a lot of time and technical skill to extract learnings ...

Featured image for Why Impression Share Shouldn't Be Your KPI - The Flawed Paid Search Metric

Why Impression Share Shouldn't Be Your KPI - The Flawed Paid Search Metric

10 Jan 2019

Impression share as a KPI is not just a flawed approach to your Paid Search/Search Engine Marketing (SEM) strategy; it's disorientating. If you preach it, follow its commandments and aim towards achieving a perfect impression share, you'll end up hurting your business performance. The core of how it's calculated is ...

Featured image for 2018 Trending English Searches on Google - Google Trends

2018 Trending English Searches on Google - Google Trends

30 Dec 2018

As 2018 comes to an end, it's a great time for a reflection and to take a look at what has happened this year. Though it can be a shitty, weird or bad year, it's still good to look back at all the conversations that have happened this year. One ...

Featured image for Collecting & Analysing Google Home Reviews with Python

Collecting & Analysing Google Home Reviews with Python

28 Nov 2018

Product reviews online are the best source for knowing and understanding a product before making a purchase decision. With the ample amount of reviews available online, we'll use Python to quickly understand the gist of the review, analyse the sentiment and stance of the reviews, and basically automate the boring ...

Featured image for Scraping Search Results from Google Search

Scraping Search Results from Google Search

21 Nov 2018

Scraping search results from Google Search can be used for many things. It can be used for sentiment analysis, competitor analysis and search engine optimisation (SEO). In this post, I'll cover how to scrape Google search results for a start. Setting Up the Scope Firstly, we'll set up some parameters ...

Featured image for Quick Guide - Google Cloud Authentication on Python

Quick Guide - Google Cloud Authentication on Python

14 Nov 2018

Authentication for Google Cloud APIs on Python can be a bit challenging and can discourage those who're keen to use their amazing APIs such as the Natural Language Processing APIs. Recently I had some issues too and found a simple way to do it. Plus, I think Google Cloud has ...

Featured image for Using YouTube API to Analyse YouTube Comments on Python

Using YouTube API to Analyse YouTube Comments on Python

05 Nov 2018

YouTube comments are often fun to read while its anonymity also helps to provide some deep insight into some issues from both ends of the argument/discussion. It does house some of the funniest comments you'll find online too. YouTube API is a free-to-use API for anyone who's keen to capture ...